19 Mar 2017

When it comes to plastic part manufacturing, injection molding is among the least expensive processes available. Due to the initial investment of the mold, return on investment should be an important consideration when making the decision on what type of part manufacturing process to use. Part Manufacturing Considerations Part manufacturing volume is a major consideration. […]

26 Feb 2016

“Rex Plastics was very helpful in the product development process. They helped me with part design, material selection and made many improvements to the sample product I originally brought them. In fact, the design changes their engineer suggested literally cut the injection mold cost in half.” says Tom Arnold, owner of Powder Cord Pouch.

10 Aug 2016

Rex Plastics Product Development Plastic Part Design Fundamentals Ejection and Surface Finish   Ejection When it comes to successful plastic part design, ejection and surface finish considerations are critical factors to consider.  The most common way to remove a part from the mold is through ejector pins. They apply a force to eject a part […]

We all start somewhere. Even a business like Rex Plastics, rapidly closing in on our fiftieth anniversary, had humble beginnings. What makes us different? We understand the challenges faced by startups because for all our successes, we’ve never forgotten where we came from. That’s just one reason why we’ve been able to help so many […]

27 Mar 2013

While a change to a product after launch can be quite expensive, making changes during the design stage is relatively inexpensive. Plastic part design is no exception. With today’s CAD software, being able to visualize, test, and change designs has never been easier.                      The Cost […]

18 Jan 2017

There are many ways to produce plastic parts and if your anticipated sales volume is high enough, plastic injection molded part manufacturing can be the most cost effective way to get the job done. If you’re ready to pull the trigger on your project, consider Rex Plastics.  Learn more about our plastic injection molded part […]

13 Feb 2016

Rex Plastics Product Development Plastic Part Design Fundamentals Draft Angle   In this edition of our Product Development series, we’ll briefly overview a fundamental concept for plastic part design, ‘draft angle’. Draft angle, or ‘draft’ is essential for all plastic injection molded products. It facilitates the removal of the part from the mold.  Adding draft […]

20 Jul 2016

Rex Plastics Product Development Plastic Part Design Fundamentals Gates and Parting Lines   Gates Each plastic part design must have a ‘gate’, or an opening that allows the molten plastic to be injected into the cavity of the mold. There are several styles of gates that are commonly used in molding. Care and consideration should […]

27 Mar 2016

Rex Plastics Product Development Plastic Part Design Fundamentals Ribs and Bosses Rib Design Ribs are a great way to add strength and stiffness to a part while keeping material consumption to a minimum. However, a word of caution:  ribs can cause sink marks to develop where they intersect the main wall. A rule of thumb […]