27 Dec 2018

We have five decades of experience but are always looking for new and revolutionary ways for businesses to better utilize their products. For Rex Plastics, one example of this is the use of plastic injection molding by the medical industry. Medical applications for injection molding are numerous; they’ve completely changed the medical landscape — and […]

We all start somewhere. Even a business like Rex Plastics, rapidly closing in on our fiftieth anniversary, had humble beginnings. What makes us different? We understand the challenges faced by startups because for all our successes, we’ve never forgotten where we came from. That’s just one reason why we’ve been able to help so many […]

15 Apr 2018

Plastic injection molding is used for everything from chairs and industrial parts to Legos. Injection-molded plastic parts prove their worth whether you’re designing a new product, or even a single component in a complex assembly. On the positive side, the injection molding process ensures quality and uniformity. However, tooling a mold is expensive, and small […]