close-up of small, blue plastic parts

Low-volume injection molding is the best option if you are looking to make parts in quantities of 100,000 or fewer. It’s used for mass-producing identical parts before committing to a long-term molding setup, whereas other parts may never need to be produced in higher volumes. This form of molding is one of the most common […]

20 Jun 2021
Prototype made out of metal.

Manufacturing plastic prototype – where to start The first step in every product’s life is prototyping. Whether it’s a brand new idea or an improvement on an old design, prototyping allows designers to see and test a product before it goes to production. From consumer goods to industrial, every field across every industry benefits from […]

close-up of small, blue plastic parts

Injection-molded plastic parts   Injection molding can create parts used in all sorts of projects and industries. From cars to computers, motorcycles to models, plastic injection molding is how modern products get made. In fact, plastic parts made with injection molding surround each of us every day. Plastic parts are so appealing to businesses because […]

When creating a product or part using injection molding, it’s easy to get caught up in that piece’s actual production. Things like material, size, and complexity are all important factors to consider and have a huge impact on production. But what about the look and feel of your product? If your product or part is […]

13 Feb 2020
The metal plates of a plastic injection mold

The plastic injection molding process The basics of the plastic injection molding process: melted plastic injects into a metal mold. The plastic material cools inside the mold and hardens into the finished product. The product releases when the two halves of the mold separate and the plastic ejects.  How does injection molding work? Put simply, […]

What is a CNC Machine and How Does it Work?   CNC Machines are some of the most important tools used in modern manufacturing. They can perform an incredibly diverse range of tasks and are essential for product design. Because of the complexity of CNC machines, it can be easy to get lost when trying […]

american flag

Onshoring your plastic mold making means keeping production and jobs close to home, but it also has other benefits for American businesses. Not least of these are access and accountability. If you’re in the planning stages of your next plastic injection-molded product, and especially if you’re a startup learning the basics of mold making, there […]

You’re not alone. At any given moment, somewhere in the world, someone struggles with the same plastic injection molding challenge: you have a part that you need to modify, but you don’t want to buy a new one. Our advice to anyone facing this situation is don’t reinvent the wheel—especially when it comes to sprockets […]